Vick Gets Shoe Deal with Nike: “Air Haters”


A story hit the sport wires (ESPN, Fox News,, etc) regarding Michael Vick getting a new endorsement deal with Nike. The news spread quicker than Nola Darling in Spike Lee’s movie, She’s Gotta Have It. Almost immediately on every blog site, I was reading comments from people bashing Nike, saying that they are never buying Nike products ever again in life, because Nike is supporting a person that has done despicable things to dogs and has no morals. images0000

Now I am not condoning what the Vick did, because he was wrong, but when are people going to move on? People are still fighting Pit Bulls today. There is a dog fighting magazine and P.E.T.A. is not in full force like they were behind Vick trying to stop it. Last time I checked, Vick does live in the United States of America, which means he had his day in court and was judged and sentenced according to the law of this great country. He was sentenced, did almost 2 years in the State Penitentiary, and lost hundreds of millions of dollars, filed bankruptcy and was suspended from the NFL…Enough already.

At first, I applauded Nike for giving him a second chance at success. He should be able to make a living. After all, I wear Nikes. Then I had my bubble burst when Nike said Thursday it does not have a “contractual relationship” with Michael Vick, a day after the quarterback’s agent announced a deal with the manufacturer. In a statement released Thursday morning, Nike said it has “agreed to supply product to Michael Vick as we do a number of athletes who are not under contract with Nike.” So Vick gets some free Nike cleats and wrist bands. Whoopty-do.

The new comments on the bloggers pages had become celebratory. Most of the people were happy to know that Vick wasn’t making any money. They were dancing like the people in the sweatshop on The Wiz after Eviline got flushed down the toilet. Dude just can’t win.

Here is hypocrisy at its finest. They were ready to “Passion of the Christ” Vick and boycott Nike, because the crimes he committed were so reprehensible and morally irresponsible. How could Nike support such a tyrant?  However, without endorsing Vick, they were still readily and whole-heartedly willing to support a shoe company that pays workers in places like China and Korea a $1.25 an hour to make shoes that they will sell for $180.00. I don’t see Fox News covering that. Where are the moral police? Where are Lil Wayne and Bobby Valentino when you need them? Weedo, weedo, wee – weedo, weedo, wee – weedo, weedo, wee!!

They want Vick to be like Adam Sandler playing sandlot football back in Leavenworth. These people were not taking a moral stand. They were taking a personal stand against Vick.

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